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Suicide Prevention

It is important to know that as you get older, life will have different pressures. You might feel at times that you don’t know how to fix the problem on our own and need to ask others for help. Asking for help does not make you any less of a person. It isn’t different than taking a car to a mechanic to get it fixed because the mechanic knows how to fix cars. Sometimes talking to a counsellor, a psychologist, or a psychiatrist is like taking you to a “mechanic” or expert. Talking with someone who is an “expert” in listening, and helping other people can give you a different perspective and is often very helpful. You do not have to wait until life’s pressures feel overwhelming to talk to someone. What is most important is that whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, you can reach out to someone.

By talking to someone else and listening to their ideas and suggestions, you can get different ideas about your situation. Ensure you talk to someone you can trust or someone who is a professional.

Protective factors: What can help

Despite life’s challenges, there are things that can help you keep moving forward so that you are able to face life pressures.

The following are suggestions that can help:

  • If you have at least one friend who you can talk to about your worries and feelings
  • Get involved in activities at school and/or seek support at school
  • Having healthy coping skills and being around others who have a positive outlook on life can help you to deal with life pressures and worries.
  • Talk to someone you trust about your thoughts and feelings (Elders, parents, aunts, uncles, teachers, counsellors, and/or friends)
  • Talk to your school counsellor, or your family doctor or another health professional who can refer you to counselling.
  • Talk to someone at a community agency or a member of your faith organization.
  • If you are unsure who to call, call 811 to get some assistance

It is important to know that as alone as you may feel at times, or when you feel you do not know what to do, there are people who care about you and who want to help you.​

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