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After COVID-19

Symptoms: Loss of taste and smell

After COVID-19, you may notice:

Your sense of smell is closely tied to your sense of taste. If you can't smell food, you will likely have trouble tasting it. Loss of smell or taste can lead to a low appetite (you don’t feel hungry), and might cause you to eat less. This puts you at risk for not getting enough nutrition and you could lose weight without meaning to.

Try these tips to get good nutrition when you have changes in taste and smell:

  • Prepare colourful food.
  • Use strong flavours, such as cinnamon, chili, mustard, or vinegar.
  • Try food at different temperatures, such as hot, room temperature, and cold.
  • Use different food textures, such as crunchy or soft. (If you’re having trouble swallowing, see the section on eating, drinking, and swallowing problems.)
  • Try to focus on your food—the taste, how it feels in your mouth, and what it looks like.​

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