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What is Palliative & End of Life Care

Blood Disease

Who is it for?

There are many kinds of blood (hematologic and lymphatic) diseases. Some are cancers like acute leukemia, multiple myeloma, and lymphoma but not all blood diseases are cancers.

Aplastic anaemia and myelodysplasia are 2 types that aren’t cancer. They make it so the body can’t make enough of the cells that are made in bone marrow:

  • red blood cells
  • cells to help clotting (platelets)
  • cells that fight infection (white blood cells)

What are some symptoms of blood disease?

Along with side effects from treatment, symptoms of these blood diseases may include:

  • feeling tired
  • bleeding
  • pain
  • feeling sad, anxious, or stressed

How can palliative and end of life care help people blood disease?

People with blood diseases may need many blood transfusions. They may have worries and questions about how their lives will change. Palliative and end of life care can help to:

  • answer questions
  • manage symptoms
  • give emotional supports
  • find other supports if people need to transition (e.g., go from home to hospital) for care
  • talk about when to stop transfusions and other therapies if they’re no longer helping​​​​