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Having a hip replacement

Hip replacement surgery

A hip replacement is a type of surgery that takes out a damaged hip joint. The hip joint is a ball and socket joint. The ball of the thigh bone fits in the socket of the hip.

This surgery replaces the damaged hip joint with metal, plastic and metal, or ceramic and metal. There are many types of hip replacement parts. The type of material you need depends on:

  • the condition of your hip
  • your age
  • your weight
  • the activities you like to do

The goal of hip replacement surgery is to stop or lessen your pain.

Healthy hip

Damaged hip joint

Hip replacement

Why do I need a hip replacement?

You may need a hip replacement if the cartilage (cushioning) between the bones in your hip has worn away. This causes the bones to rub against each other, which leads to pain and stiffness in the hip.

Your healthcare team may suggest a hip replacement if:

  • pain keeps you awake at night
  • you cut back or stop doing your normal, everyday activities
  • you’ve tried other treatments (like medicine and exercise) but the pain and stiffness didn’t get better or got worse

A hip replacement can stop or lessen pain in your hip joint.

What are the types of hip replacement surgery?

There are 3 types of hip replacement surgery. Your surgeon will talk with you about the type that’s best for you.

Total hip replacement

This surgery replaces the whole hip joint with new parts.

Hip resurfacing

This surgery replaces the damaged surfaces in the hip joint with new parts.

Hip revision

This surgery replaces old hip replacement parts with new ones if they get damaged or loose.

What are the risks?

A hip replacement is usually safe, but there are some risks. Your surgeon and healthcare team will talk to you about these risks.

Blood clots
Heart attack, lung problems, stroke, and allergic reactions
Hip dislocation
A longer leg on the side that had surgery
A break in the bone around your new hip joint
Nerve damage, bleeding, or injury to a blood vessel
New hip parts become loose

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