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Heart Surgery

Call your doctor with concerns

Physical concerns

As you recover at home, call your family doctor rig​ht away if you have any of the following concerns:​

  • Your temperature is over 38.5°C (101.3°F), you feel sick, or your muscles ache.
  • Your incisions are warm to touch, burn, smell bad, are red, swollen, tender, or the drainage changes in amount or colour.​
Chest and breathing
  • You have angina and your symptoms come back.
  • Your heartbeat doesn't feel regular.
  • Your chest hurts or hurts more, especially when you take a deep breath.
  • You're short of breath or have trouble breathing.
  • You're coughing up mucous or more mucous, and it changes from clear to green or yellow.
Swelling and weakness
  • You gain 3 pounds (1.5 kg) in 3 days.
  • Your ankles are swelling.
  • Your arms or legs feel numb or weak.​
Vision and bleeding
  • Your eyesight gets blurry.
  • You have bleeding or bruising you can't explain. This includes blood in your stool.​

Mental health

Depression after surgery can happen to anyone.

Many people find it helps to get counselling for emotional support, take an anti-depressant medicine​, or both. If you think you need any mental health support after surgery, don't be embarrassed or afraid to ask for it.

Talk to your family doctor about what is right for you.​​​​​​

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