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  1. Diabetes
  2. Diabetes and your eyes: Care instructions
  3. Diabetes in Children: Checking Blood Sugar in a Child
  4. Diabetes in Children: Giving Insulin Shots to a Child
  5. Diabetes tests: Hemoglobin A1C test
  6. Diabetes, Type 2: Should I Take Insulin?
  7. Diabetes: Adjusting your diabetes medicine and diet for a gastroscopy or esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)
  8. Diabetes: Adjusting your medicine and diet for a barium enema or colonoscopy
  9. Diabetes: Adjusting your medicine and diet for a fasting blood test
  10. Diabetes: Adjusting your medicine and diet for a hydrogen breath test for lactose intolerance
  11. Diabetes: Adjusting your medicine and diet for a hydrogen breath test for small intestine bacterial overgrowth
  12. Diabetes: Blood glucose meter accuracy
  13. Diabetes: Checking Your Blood Sugar
  14. Diabetes: Coping With Your Feelings About Your Diet
  15. Diabetes: Dealing With Low Blood Sugar From Insulin or Medicine
  16. Diabetes: Driving and diabetes
  17. Diabetes: Foot care for the high-risk foot
  18. Diabetes: Foot care for the low risk foot
  19. Diabetes: Foot care for the moderate-risk foot
  20. Diabetes: Giving Yourself an Insulin Shot
  21. Diabetes: How to Give Glucagon
  22. Diabetes: Living With an Insulin Pump
  23. Diabetes: Preventing High Blood Sugar Emergencies
  24. Diabetes: Taking Care of Your Feet
  25. Diabetes: Using Canada's Food Guide
  26. Diabetes-Related High and Low Blood Sugar Levels
  27. Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)
  28. Diabetic Kidney Disease
  29. Diabetic Neuropathy
  30. Diabetic Retinopathy
  31. Dialysis: Exercise for your new AV fistula
  32. Diaper Rash
  33. Diarrhea, Age 11 and Younger
  34. Diarrhea, Age 12 and Older
  35. Difficulty Swallowing (Dysphagia)
  36. Digestion
  37. Digital Rectal Examination
  38. Dilated Cardiomyopathy
  39. Dilated Eye Exam
  40. Dilation and Curettage (D&C)
  41. Dilation and Evacuation
  42. Disasters and Other Public Health Threats
  43. Disasters and Public Health Threats
  44. Discectomy for a Lumbar Herniated Disc
  45. Disease and Injury Prevention
  46. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
  47. Diverticular Bleeding
  48. Diverticulitis
  49. Diverticulosis
  50. Dizziness: Light-Headedness and Vertigo