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Substance Use: Pregnancy and Quitting Smoking

Nicotine Replacement Therapies (NRTs)

​​Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding have a better chance of quitting when a healthcare provider counsels or supports them. If this doesn’t work for you, you and your healthcare provider may decide that NRTs may be right for you.

Nicotine chewing gum, nicotine lozenges, and the nicotine inhaler are three forms of short-acting NRTs. Although more research into using NRTs during pregnancy is needed, we do know that NRTs help break the smoking cycle. They also protect the baby from the carbon monoxide, tar, and many other chemicals (many linked to cancer) found in tobacco products like cigarettes or chew tobacco. NRTs also help manage the symptoms of recovery that you may be going through.

Always speak to your healthcare provider or pharmacist before starting NRTs, especially since you are pregnant or breastfeeding. It’s important to talk to your healthcare provider (and your mental health therapist if you have one) about all of the options you have for cutting down and quitting. Your healthcare provider will help you decide which option is best for you.

Current as of: September 5, 2019

Author: Tobacco Reduction Program, Alberta Health Services