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Bike and Small Wheeled Recreation Safety

In-line Skating, Skateboarding, and Scooter Riding

During the summer months, you and your child or teen may be active outside more often. To lower the risk of injury while you and your child in-line skate, skateboard, and ride scooters make sure:

  • you supervise your child closely
  • you and your child are always in a safe place
  • you and your child know about any dangers around you
  • your child does age-appropriate activities
  • you and your child wear appropriate gear –wearing a helmet in the right way can lower the risk of head injury by 80 percent.

In-line Skating

Be in a safe environment
Stay safe by choosing a place to skate that is smooth and flat. Check that there is no water, sand, or trash where you and your child skate. Don’t:

  • skate near crowds, traffic, or animals
  • wear headphones while you skate

Always cross the road at a corner or marked crosswalk, and use the pedestrian lights. When you or your child pass someone walking or other skaters, pass on the left side. Blow a whistle or call out “passing on your left” to let others know you are coming.

Wear protection
When you skate wear protective gear that includes a helmet (Helmet FAQ on Parachute Canada) that is safety tested for in-line skating. Wearing knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards can also lower the risk of injury. Wear a long-sleeved shirt. Make sure you and your child have good quality in-line skates that fit well and give good ankle support.

Know how to use the gear
Be sure you and your child learn how to skate, stop, and fall safely. The first few times you in-line skate, do it on a flat, grassy surface.


Know what is around you
Be aware of you and your child’s surroundings before each ride and do a safety check of your skateboard. Look for loose or broken parts, sharp edges, a slippery top surface, and cracks in the wheels.

When you or your child skateboard, don’t:

  • wear headphones
  • hitch a ride from a car or bike
  • skateboard near crowds, traffic, or animals
  • have more than one person on a skateboard
  • board in the street (only skateboard in areas where it is allowed)

When you or your child do skateboard tricks be sure you’re in a safe area.

Wear protection
When you or your child skateboard wear protective gear every time. This includes a helmet (Helmet FAQ on Parachute Canada), knee and elbow pads, and wrist guards. There are no Canadian standards for skateboarding helmets. Ask a trusted skateboard shop for information on which helmet is best. A skateboard helmet should not be used for biking unless the label says that it is safe to do so.

Lower your risk of injury to your feet and wear closed-toe shoes that are slip-resistant.

Scooter Riding

When you or your child begin learning how to use a scooter it’s easy to get hurt. Lower the risk of injury by following these guidelines.

Know what is around you
Don’t ride too fast, ride in traffic, or near cars.

Wear protection
Wear a helmet while on a scooter. A bike helmet or a multisport helmet can be used. Before using a multisport helmet make sure it indicates the activity it can be used for. For more information on helmets visit Helmet FAQ on Parachute Canada.

You and your child can also wear elbow and knee pads to help lower the risk of injury. Wearing wrist guards is not recommended because they can interfere with the ability to steer the scooter and cause injury.

Be a good role model by wearing a helmet while being active with your child.

Injuries are not accidents... they are predictable and preventable.

Current as of: June 18, 2019

Author: Provincial Injury Prevention Program, Alberta Health Services