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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

Eat Well for Life


Healthy eating can make you look, feel, and perform better. Choosing the right amount and type of food will give you the energy you need to be healthy and strong. It also cuts your risk for many illnesses like diabetes and osteoporosis. What is osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is when you have weak bones that break easily. You are more likely to have osteoporosis as you get older.

Take Action

  • Eat regular meals and snacks during the day. Missing meals can affect balance and strength. Check Canada's Food Guide​ to make sure you eat the right number of servings of each food group.
  • Drink 6 to 8 glasses (250 ml or 8 oz) of water and other fluids each day or as recommended by your healthcare provider.
  • Make sure to get enough calcium and vitamin D.

About calcium:

Adults from 19 to 50 years need 1000 mg of calcium every day. Adults over 50 need 1200 mg of calcium every day.

Getting enough calcium can prevent broken bones. Sources of calcium include dairy products like milk, and some non- dairy foods, like juice with added calcium.

Foods sources of calcium


About vitamin D:

Adults from 19 to 50 years need 400 to 1000 IU of vitamin D every day. Adults over 50 need 1000 to 2000 IU of vitamin D every day. Getting enough vitamin D will help your body absorb calcium and keep your muscles strong.

  • Good sources of Vitamin D are milk, sardines, salmon and other oil fish. Sunlight on your skin also makes vitamin D. In our northern climate your body cannot make enough vitamin D from October to March. You need to rely on supplements to get enough vitamin D during those months.
  • If you avoid sunshine, are unable to go outdoors, or cover up for religious or cultural reasons, speak to your healthcare provider about supplements.

If you have diabetes, manage your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can increase your chance of falling.

Watch this short video to learn about healthy eating


NOTE: Many grocery stores will give tours helping you with making the best choices and reading labels. Ask at the customer service desk.

Canadian resources:

To learn more about your risk of falling complete the “Is there a chance you might fall?” checklist.​


Current as of: June 30, 2017

Author: Fall Risk Management Program