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Exercises for People with Cancer: 3 Minute Movement Videos

​​​​​​The team at the Health & Wellness Lab at the University of Calgary made these videos to help you get moving. They show simple exercises that you can do while you’re sitting in a chair. These exercises are safe for everyone. Exercise helps you sleep better, have more energy, feel less tired and be more flexible.

Be sure to talk to your doctor before you start any new exercises.

These 3-minute videos focus on:


​Movement that exercises your heart. You can do these movements sitting in a chair. If you want, you can use small hand-held weights while you follow along.



Stretches and movement to help with strength and flexibility. Yoga helps with good posture, and you can do these exercises without getting down on the floor.​


Upper Body ​(2 videos)

Movement that exercises your upper body muscles. You can do the movements in this video while you’re sitting in a chair. You can use small hand-held weights while you follow along.​



Lower Body (2 videos)

Movement that exercises your lower body muscles. You can use a chair or balance board to help build up your strength while you follow along with the video.​


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Current as of: January 15, 2018

Author: CancerControl, Alberta Health Services