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Catch a Break

If you’re over 50 years old, a broken bone (fracture) can be the first sign of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is called the “silent thief” because people who have it don’t know that their bodies are losing bone cells faster than they are being replaced. When you lose bone cells, your bones become weak (fragile) and can break easily.


Osteoporosis affects both women and men. In Canada, 1 out of 3 women and 1 out of 5 men have osteoporosis.

For every 100 people in Canada who break a bone, less than 20 will have a bone density test or get treatment for osteoporosis. This means that most people with osteoporosis may break more than one bone without having tests or treatment for osteoporosis.

What is the Catch a Break program?

Catch a Break is a prevention program to encourage Albertans to talk to their doctors about bone health. The program is offered by Health Link at Alberta Health Services.

The goal of the program is to help Albertans prevent future bone fractures caused by bone weakness that may be related to osteoporosis.

Who is the program for?

The program if for any Albertan 50 years of age or older who have a fracture that may be related to osteoporosis.

How does the program work?

You will get a package in the mail a few weeks after your fracture. The package will have information about bone health and the Catch a Break program.

The Catch a Break program will then call you to ask if you’re interested in taking part in the program. If you are a good candidate for the program and agree to join, they will call you again at 3 and 12 months to see how you’re doing, if you followed up with your doctor, and if you have had any more problems with your bone health.

Your family doctor may also get a letter to let them know about your recent fracture and that you are taking part in the Catch a Break program.

Participation in the Catch a Break program is voluntary.

What can I do to prevent a future fracture?

  • Ask your doctor to check your bone health and talk to them about how to prevent future fractures.
  • Take steps to prevent future fractures. Lifestyle changes such as eating healthy, being active and taking certain medicines, vitamins and nutritional supplements can improve your bone health.
  • Talk to your doctor about making a personal plan to help you stay healthy and avoid a future fracture.

Learn more about osteoporosis and how to prevent it.

Related pages: Osteoporosis in Men

Video: Osteoporosis: After Your Fracture

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Current as of: August 30, 2018

Author: Bone & Joint Health Strategic Clinical Network, Alberta Health Services