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Bariatric Surgery

After your surgery: Body changes

What happens to my skin after bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery helps you lose weight. But after a lot of weight loss, you may find that you have loose skin. If you have loose skin, it’s important to keep it clean and dry, especially where the skin folds.

You may find it helps to wear certain types of clothing that supports loose skin. This includes bike shorts or body shapers made out of breathable fabric.

Loose skin can also be removed by surgery. But it’s important to know that this surgery isn’t always covered by Alberta Health Care Insurance. You may need to pay for this surgery yourself.

Talk to your healthcare team about what you can do to manage loose skin if it’s a problem for you.

What happens if I start gaining weight after bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a treatment but not a cure for obesity. Some people gain back some of the weight they lost, around 2 to 5 years after surgery.

If you start to gain weight after bariatric surgery, you may need to follow up with your healthcare team. You may also find it helps to think about what’s worked well for you in the past to help you manage your weight.

How will I feel about changes to my body?

Many people who have bariatric surgery are happy with the changes to their body. But some find it harder than they expected to adjust to changes to their body.

If you’re having trouble adjusting to the changes in your body, talk to your healthcare team. There is also a mental health team at the clinic whenever you need support.

Let a member of your healthcare team know if you feel sad, anxious, disappointed, or have other feelings that you didn’t expect after surgery.​

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