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Relaxation Audio Tracks

​​Do you have migraines or tension-type headaches? Learning ways to relax may reduce headaches or make them less painful. It may also help you better cope with them. Relaxation can help lower blood pressure and ease tense muscles.
The audio files below teach you some ways to learn how to relax. Find a quiet room and get comfortable, either by sitting or lying down, and get ready to ease your mind and body.
You can download these audio files by “right-clicking” on the file name, then selecting “Save target as…” You can also just click the file to listen to it.

Deep Breathing
Steps of focused deep breathing.
Deep Breathing Track (MP3)  5:46 minutes, 2.70MB

Guided Imagery 
How to use guided imagery.
Guided Imagery Track - head for the beach (MP3)  5:47 minutes, 2.71MB
Guided Imagery Track - outdoor scene (MP3)  5:43 minutes, 2.68MB

Body Scan
How to use body scan as a way to relax.
Body Scan Track (MP3)  7:36 minutes, 3.55MB

Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Different levels of muscle relaxation.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Track (MP3)  9:30 minutes, 4.45MB

Steps of biofeedback.
Biofeedback Track (MP3)  8:49 minutes, 4.13MB

For relaxation videos, see:
Relaxation Exercise: Deep Breathing
Relaxation Exercise: Guided Imagery

Current as of: November 1, 2018

Author: Headache Program, Alberta Health Services