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Recovering After Lower Limb Amputation

Preventing Stiffness and Loss of Movement

An important part of your recovery is preventing stiffness and loss of movement in the residual limb. Your therapist will show you what position to put your limb in and give you exercises to help prevent these complications.

The following are positioning tips to prevent stiffness and loss of movement:

  • Never put a pillow under the residual limb as it could cause the muscles to tighten.
  • Sit in a chair that has a firm back and seat to help you keep good posture.
  • Wear a limb protector if you have one. A limb protector helps to protect your residual limb from damage and also helps to prevent stiffness and loss of movement in your limb.
  • Rest your leg with the knee fully straight (If you have a below-the-knee amputation).
  • Support your leg on the amputee board when sitting in your wheelchair (If you have a below-the-knee amputation).
  • Do not sit with your legs crossed.

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