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Female Urinary Incontinence Pathway
Before your appointment
Visit your healthcare provider
Get your assessments and tests
Review your test results
Review your treatment and management options
Talk with your healthcare provider about a referral
Start your treatment and watch your symptoms
Keep taking care of yourself
As you try different treatment options, remember that if something doesn't work the way you thought it would, think about other options. Talk with your healthcare team to find what will work for you.
Take an active role in your treatment and keep watching your symptoms. If your symptoms change or you have a new symptom, you can make a note of what it felt like, the date, time, and what you were doing when you noticed the change.
Call your healthcare team anytime you:
Download or print the full patient pathway (PDF) and summary (one-page PDF) to learn more about how to manage and treat female urinary incontinence.Patient Pathway Summary
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