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Life after a brain injury

Alcohol and drugs

A brain injury can affect how you think and manage emotions. If you drink too much alcohol, use illegal drugs, or take more medicine than you’re prescribed, it can damage the cells and nerves in the brain. This makes the effects of the brain injury even worse.

Tips for family, caregivers, and friends

  • Take substance abuse seriously. It’s not a phase.
  • Support them to lead an alcohol-free and drug-free lifestyle.
  • Help them find other ways to cope.
  • Practice ways to help them avoid situations where others are using alcohol or drugs.

If you’re worried, ask to talk to a rehabilitation psychologist, social worker, or an addictions counsellor. They can help decide if someone has a problem with drugs or alcohol. If they do, there are alcohol and other drug treatment programs that can help.

Learn more about addiction in the family.

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